“It’s Your Fault I Won’t Ever Get Ahead”

“It’s Your Fault I Won’t Ever Get Ahead”

Dan takes a large gulp of his coffee letting the caffeine enter his blood stream in a large dose. He is preparing for another day of grinding it out on the hamster wheel. “Same Sh*t, Different Day!” he thinks to himself…again.

Dan was recently skipped over for a promotion. His manager is a jerk and is holding him back. Inflation is high so it is impossible to save any money toward his goal of buying a home. Not to mention the country is going the wrong direction politically, further solidifying his belief that the universe is out to destroy his ability to ever get ahead.

Janice stands nearby sipping her coffee quietly. A ritual she enjoys each morning before digging into her next project. She has a lot on her plate but could not be more excited. She loves collaborating with her teammates and has some fresh ideas that she knows the company will love.

Janice keeps a list of places she wants to travel taped to her fridge. She is excited to have just purchased plane tickets to NYC where she will see Wicked on Broadway and continue her search for the world’s best slice of pizza.

Janice has an Abundance Mindset. Abundance allows the possibility for everyone to succeed. It sees opportunity for growth, adventure and generosity all around us.

Jim has a Scarcity Mindset. Scarcity sees limitations and lack.

Employees that live with an Abundance Mindset believe in many possible avenues for success and that there is enough money and goodwill to go around.

Employees that live with a scarcity mindset take the role of victim.

Employees that live with Abundance take responsibility for their decisions and understand they are in the driver’s seat when it comes to living their best life.  

Employees living with a scarcity mindset are quick to blame other people or circumstances for their short comings.

Employees living with an Abundance Mindset measures self-worth based on progress toward their own definition of success, traction toward financial goals and alignment with their values.

Employees living with a scarcity mindset measure self-worth by how they stack up against others.

Employees that have an Abundance Mindset look for opportunities to give, often shifting the focus away from themselves to see how they can help others succeed.

A mindset of Scarcity believes, “It’s a dog-eat-dog world.”

How Employees Overcome the Scarcity Mindset and Start to Live with Abundance:

At Workplace Money Coach, we acknowledge how our different personalities and tendencies around money shape how we think and behave. Having a better understanding of ourselves allows us to see our personal strengths as well as identify where we might want to shift our mindset.

To start shifting one’s mindset from scarcity to abundance, acknowledge your thoughts and feelings and when you notice that a scarcity mindset is creeping up inside you, challenge it.

Ask yourself:

  • Where might their be opportunities in my life right now that I am overlooking?
  • What role do I play in my present financial journey?
  • What can I do right now to make my situation better?
  • When am I the best version of myself (personally and professionally) and how can I strive to be that best version of me more often?
  • How can I give of myself (time, talent and/or treasure) to help another?
  • How can I be more grateful and joyful today?

By making a habit of viewing your situation through a different lens, you might start to realize that you really do have the power to improve your situation and reach your financial life goals.

Workplace Money Coach has tossed aside the cookie cutter approach to telling people what to do with their money and instead embraced a coaching model that honors the whole unique person. We recognize that you are the most important piece to living the financial life you desire. If you are interested in working with us, please email financial.wellness.solutions@workplacemoneycoach.com.

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